There are always ups and downs in life . . . and also in project planning! The first is an up - the Heallreaf 3 exhibition went very well at Espacio Gallery in London and the reaction to my interactive tapestry, Metamorphosis, was very positive, as can be seen in the video below.
The tapestry requires touch to trigger the sound files that overlay the background soundscape and while that soundscape is rather dark, some of the interactive sound clips bring a lighter element to the theme.
The tapestry was downstairs in the gallery and as far as I know there was no lift there to allow those unable to cope with stairs, access to half the exhibition.
That is not uncommon but in my own work I would like to make them as accessible as I can to everyone and this tapestry has only the the aural element to describe it to those who, for instance, have a visual impairment. So I come back to the purpose of the A&AI (Arts and Audio Interactivity) project proposal - to find ways to produce my work without compromise, but with different means of accessibility for as wide an audience as possible. I am working on it!
The second is a down - One funding application has recently failed but another has been submitted, and so the planning proceeds. The most important thing at this stage is to secure an exhibiting venue in Wales. a gallery keen to either give a one man show of my work or, better still, a joint exhibition of my work on the project and that of the collaborating disabled artists.
These artists include:
David Sinden -
Andrew Bolton -
Annie Fennymore (and her helper/guide dog, Mary) -
. . . and others