INTERCONNECTION and Metamorphosis, my two large audio interactive tapestries were installed last week in Kirkleatham Hall Museum as part of the Fabric of the North exhibition and all ended as it should . . . after following Plan B, my backup plan!
Due to a glitch with the clock on one of the Raspberry Pi computers, a glitch I could only partially fix, I changed to Plan B and decided to let them run 24/7 as they are designed to do. Neither was I able to connect to them remotely as the wifi was an open public network. However, I only had to ask the gallery staff to switch the sound bars off at the end of the day and on again at opening time.
Video footage of the installation and the exhibition was taken by my wife, Julie Brunskill, and with a little editing on my part, we managed to produce the video below.
Supported by an Artists Bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company and a Stabilisation Fund grant from the Arts Council of Wales National Lottery Good Causes.