Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and Covid-19 lock down the Arts and Audio Interactivity project development has had to put on hold. I am not concerned that it will not go ahead and indeed, I am excited about the changes that I will need to make to my own interactive tapestry weaving in order to allow for the potential nervousness of multiple people touching an art work.
I have had several exhibitions postponed for the same reason but these will be rescheduled for 2021 and dates will be advertised when confirmed.
The work for which I have received an a-n Artists Bursary award is going ahead but this too has had to be postponed, though for less time as this extra training in Python coding and use of Raspberry Pi and Arduino.
Further funding applications towards developing new work have also been postponed but, again, I hope I can proceed with these soon.
In the meantime, you can still see my existing work in audio interactive tapestry weaving on the Sound and Weave page.