light sensor and weave

Moving Forward and Online Workshops

With the awarding of an Arts Council of Wales National Lottery Stabilisation Fund grant and an Artists Bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company, I have been able to start moving forward with the development and re-development of my work with interactive audio and tapestry weaving.

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Great News!

Work can now go ahead on redeveloping existing, and creating new means of interaction in my sound and weave work.

I am very grateful to the Arts Council of Wales for a grant from their Stabilisation Fund. This will allow me keep going with developing new work in which the interactive element of sound becomes based on non or indirect contact.

An expected result of the coronavirus is that there will be a continuing nervousness around multiple people touching the same surface. While the nature of tapestry weaving and the materials I use is tactile, and I have enjoyed the fact that people, to date, have been able to touch my work in this field to activate different audio elements, I am also excited by the possibilities for engaging my audience through a range of interactive techniques that do not require direct physical contact.

I am not going to say at this stage what some of my ideas are regarding this - you will just have to watch this space, as they say. The first step, however, will be to utilise the a-n Artists Bursary Award I mentioned in my last post, and develop my coding skills with Python 3. A better understanding of how this can be used with a Raspberry Pi and Arduino to achieve the audio interaction I am aiming for, will be very helpful.

So thanks again to a-n The Artists Information Company, Arts Council Wales and the National Lottery for the support to do this work.

This is just the start of this project. I will be posting about my progress and crediting my funders regularly here on my blog as well as on the a-n blog page and on social media.

Supported by a bursary from a-n The Artists Information Company.

Twitter: @an_artnews  Facebook  Instagram: @anartistsinfo

This project was made possible through funding from the Arts Council of Wales’s National Lottery Fund.

Twitter: @Celf_Cymru @Arts_Wales_ Instagram: @celfcymruarts  Facebook

ACW logos

Thanks to National Lottery players, up to £600 million has been made available to support communities throughout the UK during the Coronavirus crisis.


Working Update

Due to the Coronavirus pandemic and Covid-19 lock down the Arts and Audio Interactivity project development has had to put on hold. I am not concerned that it will not go ahead and indeed, I am excited about the changes that I will need to make to my own interactive tapestry weaving in order to allow for the potential nervousness of multiple people touching an art work.

I have had several exhibitions postponed for the same reason but these will be rescheduled for 2021 and dates will be advertised when confirmed.

The work for which I have received an a-n Artists Bursary award is going ahead but this too has had to be postponed, though for less time as this extra training in Python coding and use of Raspberry Pi and Arduino.

Further funding applications towards developing new work have also been postponed but, again, I hope I can proceed with these soon.

In the meantime, you can still see my existing work in audio interactive tapestry weaving on the Sound and Weave page.

A&AI Post 4

The Art and Audio Interactivity project continues to develop and the first thing to say about this is probably the title of the project.

The new title is Textures of Sound – Art and Audio Interactivity.

Having now met the new Director for Disability Arts Cymru, Ruth Fabby, we have been able to identify and hone some of the strategies for realising the project. Those who hear about it are enthusiastic and the prospect of working with other artists to develop skills and new work towards an interactive touring group exhibition, is becoming more exciting by the day.

My last visit to DAC in Cardiff allowed us to move further forward with the project development and also gave me another chance to look at (and touch!) Rachel Wellbeing’s textural paintings hanging on the walls there.

Rachel Wellbeing

Rachel Wellbeing 1

Rachel Wellbeing 2

Rachel Wellbeing 2

AAI Post 3 – Ups and Downs

There are always ups and downs in life . . . and also in project planning! The first is an up - the Heallreaf 3 exhibition went very well at Espacio Gallery in London and the reaction to my interactive tapestry, Metamorphosis, was very positive, as can be seen in the video below.

The tapestry requires touch to trigger the sound files that overlay the background soundscape and while that soundscape is rather dark, some of the interactive sound clips bring a lighter element to the theme.

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Metamorphosis - audio interactive tapestry weaving

AAI Post 2 – Progressing Planning

Still in the planning stages, the project is not expected to officially start until early 2020. In the meantime I have met again with interested artists from Disability Arts Cymru in Cardiff and will be meeting others interested in participating in Suffolk and Yorkshire.

Following these meetings I may be able (with their permission of course) to showcase some of their work and begin to describe how we envisage a collaboration/consultation going forward in the project – so this is all still part of the planning!Continue reading

Metamorphosis - work in progress

Art and Audio Interactivity – Project Blog Posts

Art and Audio Interactivity – a project I have developed to work with disabled artists with the purpose of identifying the best practical and engaging means of integrating interactivity through audio to different art works – in my own case, two and three dimensional tapestry weaving.

This blog will be my main means of documenting the progress of this project. It provides a link for funders and others interested in the project, to follow the developments of work produced by myself and the collaborating disabled artists.Continue reading